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Episode 96- Dead Relative Urn Genies & Mullet Dresses: Dumplin'


We're on the next installment of our Freedom theme and are bringing you one of our favorite movies, Dumplin. It stars Danielle MacDonald as Willowdean, a teen who decides to enter her town's prestigious beauty contest even though her mother Rosie, played by Jennifer Aniston is against it annnd even though she's not the 'usual pageant girl'. Dumplin' also has a strong Dolly Parton storyline which inadvertently makes this our 2nd Dolly Parton movie in a row! In this episode: Corinne explains why Barnes and Noble may be a viable option for love if you get kicked off Tinder, we explore pageant fashion (like Rosie's hermetically sealed pageant dress vs. her other dress which looks like a wet dream from Elvis's Graceland) and propose that Dolly Parton is not just a person, she is a state of mind. We agree with the premise of this movie 'that everybody is a bathing suit body' so we hope all you sun-funning beauties join us for Dumplin'. Episode drops July 11th.

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