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Episode 88-Rabid Mama Bears & Beyonce Flies: Anything's Possible


We are knee deep in the Free to Be You and Me month and are so excited to be covering the movie Anything's Possible. It stars Eva Reign as Kelsa a transgender girl trying to navigate her last year of high school when she meets Khal, played by Abubakr Ali and they become a modern pair of star crossed lovers but with slightly less doom. In this episode we: share our parents origin stories (which include smelly fingers and settling), Google Abubakr's age to make sure it's ok to objectify him, and ponder whether Corinne's mom Barbara single handedly took down the clothing store Clothestime over a coupon. We are loving the diversity and acceptance in this movie and want more, More, MORE. Hopefully we'll get it because Anything's Possible! Episode drops April 18th.



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