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Episode 76-Living our Best Leading Lady, Sloth Lives: The Holiday


It's our last installment of 'We're Not Sure November' movies and we have picked a doozy, The Holiday (not to be confused with Last Holiday). It stars Cameron Diaz as Amanda, a woman disenchanted with her high flying life. She decides to switch houses with Iris, played by Kate Winslet. They both swear off men for the holidays, until they meet Graham, played by Jude Law and Miles, played by Jack Black. In this episode we discuss Tam's sadistic dancehall vertical blinds, propose a Just For Men box hair dye makeover for one of the senior characters and propose that the Hallmark set designers be called on to kersplode Christmas all over this movie (then perhaps we wouldn't be confused about the holiday-ness of it all). We are taking next week off but hope you enjoy The Holiday while we take a short Holiday ourselves. Episode drops November 22nd.



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