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Episode 126-Goatee Flavor Savers & Let's Get Taxable: Adam's Rib


It's the second episode of March Madness/aka Rom Com-ish movies with a true crime twist, and we are going waaay back to 1949 to cover Adam's Rib. It stars Spencer Tracy as Adam an attorney who's prosecuting a woman for shooting her husband. Adams' wife Amanda, played by Katharine Hepburn is also an attorney and places herself as the woman's defense because-FEMINISM! In this episode: we argue whether this movie is a banger or a sleeper hit (because it literally put one of us to sleep), wax poetic about the 'fun twists' the movie takes due to the Hays Code, and discuss the fashion of the time like-silvery, garnish, beacon hats and 'here for business ribbons.' The legal arguments in this movie go off the rails but we're hanging on until the end so we can share the bananas-a journey with you, that is Adam's Rib. Episode drops March 19th.

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