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Episode 125-Band Aids for Bullet Wounds & Reggie, Reggie, Reggie: I Love You To Death


We are BACK in March Madness, where all of our movies have a true crime twist. This week we are covering, I Love You To Death. It stars a very bronze Kevin Kline as Joey, a philandering father and husband to Rosalie, played by Tracey Ullman. Rosalie is devoted to Joey until she catches him in the act, then she wants revenge and will look anywhere to get it. In this episode: we overuse heavy air quotes when talking about "fixing pipes" and "tool boxes", and Tamara forgets what decade she's in while Corinne explains the proper way to use a baseball bat as a weapon. The plot twist at the end of this movie has us tickled enough to say 'I Love You To Death' and we hope you agree. Episode drops March 12th.

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